Food Allergy Testing

Many people live with symptoms of food sensitivities often without really knowing it.  A range of conditions and symptoms can be caused by food sensitivities include fatigue, sinusitis, weight gain, bloating, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, mood swings, depression, auto immune disease, behavioural problems and skin conditions.

When you are sensitive to a food without knowing it, it can create an immune response in the body which damages the lining of your gut barrier and may be the underlying cause of any of the symptoms and conditions listed above.

At Natural Medicine Family Practice we can test you for 96 different foods.  Testing involves a finger prick blood sample which is then analysed for antigens against 96 foods.  Once a sensitivity is identified, the foods involved can be temporarily removed from your diet until the gut wall has been treated and healed from the inflammatory damage, and the over-reactivity of the immune system has been balanced. This will resolve any symptoms caused by your food sensitivity.

To book an appointment in either Townsville or Ayr please call 0419 326 754 or email Melinda at [email protected]

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Phone: 0419 326 754
Townsville Location: Level 1, corner Gregory & Eyre St, North Ward, QLD
Ayr Location: 54 MacMillan Street, Ayr, QLD

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